• Jennifer McGuire a lancé une idée.... de partage.... Partagez vos créations, vos petits bonheurs, vos gâteaux, broderies, cartes ou autres.... Juste pour faire plaisir à quelqu'un autour de vous.


    L'idée me plait, j'avoue... j'aime cette idée de surprendre quelqu'un avec un article fait main, avec passion et amour... juste.... pour voir un sourire sur un visage.


    Voici deux cartes.... j'ai offert la première à une de mes collegues qui la mérite amplement....



    Crayons spectrum noir, encres, étampe de Sheena Douglas, et Hero Arts pour l'oiseau.


    La seconde carte est une aquarelle avec des Peerlescent colors.... j'ai un gros faible pour cette aquarelle, j'ai ses couleurs chaudes.


    My cards are part of the challenge from Jennifer McGuire. The plan is simple: randomly, choose a person to gift a handmade anything.... Cookies, jam, cards, crafts... whatever....

    I made the first card for one of my colleagues who helps me a lot... The bird is from Hero Arts, the color with Sectrum Noirs pens.


    The second card is a watercolor, using Peerlescent Colors. I jut love that media!


    If you are interrested to participate to the challenge, you will find all details here:






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  • Sometimes... you meet people that really are clear to you....


    Thank you Sandy!


    A card following Sandy Allnock

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  • Ma grande est partie, vers l'Allemagne et les joies d'un voyage scolaire.... Je ne doute pas une seconde qu'elle va s'amuser  avec ses amies. En tous cas, cette nuit elle n'a pas fermé l'oeil et elle sautait partout d'excitation à 4H du matin. Moi, un peu moins....


    Je lui ai confectionné une surprise.... de quoi noter ses humeurs, ses périples, les petits mots des copines... ce qu'elle voudra...

    La connaissant, elle va bien me dessiner un personnage de Manga ou deux...


    Un voyage appelle un carnet de voyage, n'est-ce-pas? Un voyage appelle un carnet de voyage, n'est-ce-pas? Un voyage appelle un carnet de voyage, n'est-ce-pas?Un voyage appelle un carnet de voyage, n'est-ce-pas? Un voyage appelle un carnet de voyage, n'est-ce-pas? Un voyage appelle un carnet de voyage, n'est-ce-pas?Un voyage appelle un carnet de voyage, n'est-ce-pas?   Un voyage appelle un carnet de voyage, n'est-ce-pas?  Un voyage appelle un carnet de voyage, n'est-ce-pas?

    J'ai utilisé ma silhouette pour chaque page... puis assemblé le tout. Chaque pochette contient une page indépendante. J'espère qu'elle va l'utiliser avec plaisir...


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  • J'ai découvert cette recette ( Ici ) et j'ai tenté l'expérience, en me disant que cela n'allait pas être très concluant... pour moi le Nougat est un peu la Madeleine de Proust.... souvenir d'enfant...

    Nougat... à la maison...avec le Thermomix

    Mais non, vraiment.... la recette est simplissime....

    Le résultat.... bluffant!

    J'aime le nougat "mou"... pas trop dur à se casser des dents... et vu le prix des soins dentaires, j'évite!

    Celui-ci est juste moelleux et se tient en même temps.


    Donc il vous faut:

    1- du papier azyme (qui se mange !)

    2- un banc d'oeuf

    3- du miel de bonne qualité, bien parfumé. 400g

    4- des amandes entières. 200g.


    et voilà...

    Simple, non?


    Donc vous préchauffez votre four à 150°. Vous étalez vos amandes sur une seule couche. Vous les mettez à "griller" pendant 10 minutes.

    Vous mettez votre blanc d'oeuf dans le bol du Thermomix, vit.2, 10 secondes, avec le fouet.

    Ajoutez le miel dans le bol, 55 minutes, vit. 2 à 100°. Pas de gobelet.

    Vous allez parfumer la maison... et voir le miel blanchir et s'épaissir au cours de sa cuisson.


    Préparez votre moule: Utilisez du papier pour le recouvir afin de pouvoir enlever votre appareil après facilement. Puis découpez votre papier azyme à la bonne taille. Prévoir aussi une feuille pour le dessus, et les côtés.

    Personnellement j'ai utilisé un moule à cake. Mais certaines le font dans un moule carré, plat.

    A la fin de 55 minutes, il faut être rapide. Versez vos amandes dans le bol, mélangez, et versez dans votre moule. Essayez d'avoir le dessus plat. Et mettez votre feuille de papier azyme par dessus, lissez bien.


    Attendez quelques heures que cela refroidisse... et dégustez.


    That recipe was a great discovery (Here) ... I LOVE Nougat... one old sin of mine if you ask me...

    It is very simple to do with the Thermomix.... TM31 in our house.

    You will need:

    - 1 egg white

    - 200g  whole almond

    - 400g very good quality honey. This is important, since this is where the taste comes from.

    - edibale wafer paper. You can find that at Lakeland.


    First you place your egg white in the Thermomix bowl, speed 2, 10 sec with the whipping blade.

    Add the honey, speed 2, 55 minutes, 100°. No cup at all.


    In the mean time, layer your almonds on a cookie sheet, place in the over  at 150°C for 10 minutes.

    Let them cool after that.


    Prepare your mould. I used a loaf bread mould, but you can also do it on a flat  square cake mould.

    Layer it with some baking or grease proof paper . Then place one sheet of edible wafer paper at the bottom. I also placed some on the sides. Makes it easier afterwards.

    Prepare one for the top also.


    After your 55 minutes, the honey is white and shinny... You add your almonds, mix them quickely with your spatula and pour it in you mould. Try to have an even surface. Place you top wafer paper.

    Et voilà!

    You now have to wait, mouth watering in expectation...

    After a few hours.... you can remove it from the mould and cut it in squares.... Tiny, it is very sugary!

    Let me know if you have a go at it... and enjoy it...


    Now, if like me you bring some at school for a sale.... think to place your squares into a mine cupcake case... I forgot that part and had quite of a look when I gave it... oh well...



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  • I know... not the kind of recipe you would first think at when cooking a duck.

    But as you may know... cooking a duck can be tricky and you can ended up with a very flat-disgusting-dried to bone-duck. And that.... is no good.


    I love my duck the Chinese way.

    That might very much have to do with my half Chinese husband but....

    I had duck for years and years, the French way... meaning "en confit"... cooked in grease. Duck grease of course. It is delicious... A bit heavy on my stomach the last time I had some... But delicious.


    I had that duck in my fridge and it HAD to be cooked. Now. Today.

    I am part of a group of crazy-creative -cooking women on FB. And they try a lot of things, you have no idea.... one of the later was... to steam their chicken on the varoma of their Thermomix.

    So... I thought.... Chicken.... steam.... duck.... steam.... chicken is a bird, a duck is a bird, right???

    Then, not long ago... one of those talented women told me how great a Asian cooking book was... Wonder why, minutes after, I could read that great recipe book on my lovely Kindle...

    The Complete Asian Cookbook from Charmaine Solomon. If you get a chance, go buy it!

    Steamed deep-fried Duck

    So... I kept thinking...

    Duck... steam.... asian cooking book... And there it was.. page 82% location one million something....

    Heung So Ngap or Steamed deep-fried duck.


    I used that great recipe and transformed it to do it with my TM31.

    And promised I would blog about it... so here it is...


    Serves 4.


    2 kg duck

    1 1/2 teaspoon salt

    1/4 teaspoon ground Sichuan peppercorns (I used fresh ground pepercorns)

    1 tablespoon light soy sauce

    2 teaspoon Chinese wine or dry sherry (I used some muscat, a white sugary wine)

    1 teaspoon five-spice powder

    2-3 teaspoons cornflour

    oil, for deep-frying

    fresh coriander leaves to garnish


    Wash the duck and dry it, inside out.

    In a bowl combine the salt, the pepper, soy sauce, wine and five-spice powder. Rub all over the duck, inside and out. Leave to marinate for at least 1 hour. (I left it 1 hour).

    Place the duck in the Varoma. (I left it to marinate into the varoma, the lid under, and covered with cling film.)

    Bring some water to boil (either in the TM, varoma temperature, 15', either in a kettle). Put your water into your bowl 1.5L - 1.7L.


    Cook your duck for 1h45', Varoma temp, vit 2.

    After 1 hour, I checked it and I was almost cooked, but needed some more.

    At 1h45' it wall very well cooked, and lovely.

    Steamed deep-fried Duck


    Remove your duck and sprinkle over the cornflower to coat. (I did this only to the top, as I didn't want t manipulate it too much.)

    Heat the oil in the wok or any deep frying pan, over a medium heat. When the oil is hot, deep fry your duck, spooning the oil if it not completely immersed. Turn the duck until skin is crisp.


    Steamed deep-fried Duck (This is not a lot of oil. I could have put much more in order to have the duck completely immerged. I perfered not to bath it in oil... )

    Steamed deep-fried Duck

    Drain on paper towel, chop and enjoy.

    Garnish with spring oignon, coriander and serve with plain white rice.

    The result.... As I said, I didn't "deep" fried it.... I wanted the skin to be crisp, but not a bath in oil.

    Steamed deep-fried Duck


    And my daughter's plate...

    Steamed deep-fried Duck

    The beauty of the TM, is also that in my bowl, my sauce was done.... all magically by itself...

    Steamed deep-fried Duck

    Now my comments:

    1- It smelled delicious....

    2- It tasted super delicious.

    3-One time I will try my own concoction on the duck. With a chiar siu sauce. Miam miam.

    4- Next time I will roast it in the oven instead of frying it.

    But it is a franc success. The children were delighted to get a duck home cooked in the middle of the week.

    And I loved to have leftovers to add to my salad the next day!!




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